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Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment

Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment

Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment is our proprietary blend of fungicides, insecticide, and Hefty Naturals (biologicals) containing 72 active ingredients proven to increase your net income. We’ve spent years testing and experimenting with almost every possible active ingredient and polymer that can be applied to seed. It’s led us to the formula we have found to be the best in agriculture for both efficacy and seed flowability.

Using Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment means you can anticipate doubling or tripling your seed treatment investment. The multitude of components in Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment gives you several opportunities to win big with your seed investment no matter what growing conditions you face

All these ingredients come together to give you the best, most affordable opportunity possible at raising healthy, high-yielding soybean plants even in the toughest years.  Plus, you get up to 2 free resprays for certain insects and free Hefty Complete for replants.  Check with your Hefty Agronomist for details.


First planting on the same acre must have been a Hefty Brand Soybean variety treated with Hefty Complete.

Replant seed must be a Hefty Brand Soybean variety.

Respray product will be a pyrethroid of our choice. Add $2/acre for chlorpyrifos or bifenthrin.

If Hefty Complete Soybean is applied by a Hefty Store, receive free insecticide if the economic threshold is reached for the following insects:

  • Soybean aphid: R2 = 10 aphids/plant, R3 = 20, R4 = 40, R5 = 100, R6 = no respray offered
  • Bean leaf beetles: 1/plant up to 30 days prior to harvest
  • Grasshoppers: 1/square foot up to 30 days prior to harvest
  • Cutworms: 1/20 plants up to 30 days prior to harvest
  • Spider mites: no respray offered


SEED QUALITY – Our sorting process individually scans each soybean seed and uses tiny shots of air to kick out any beans that are off-color or misshapen.

SEED PURITY – The electronic eyes are sensitive enough to pick dark hilum seeds out of a clear hilum seed lot.

SEED GERMINATION – The sorter is excellent at removing splits (including seed that has a comprised seed coat and is about to split) and green beans that have made it past the primary seed cleaning equipment.

SEED CONSISTENCY – The newest software and equipment available can sort seed not only by color and shape but also by size. This allows the machines to better pick out splits, shriveled seed, and volunteer corn.

SEED PLANTABILITY – Plantability issues are common across the seed industry in part because of the wide variance in seed size. Since our process also sorts seed by size, our seed is more uniform, improving plantability and yield.

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